Countryside report – Autumn 2019

The Denby Delf interpretation project came to fruition this summer in brilliant sunshine at an East Peak Outdoors event pictured below. The weather for the celebratory walk around the site contrasted markedly with conditions earlier in the week when the information boards were installed!

Another East Peak Outdoors event featured a bike ride along the Kirkburton spur of the Trans Pennine Trail, as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations of this coast to coast route.

Also in June, the Countryside project helped local craftspeople with their annual decoration of Woolen (East Hill) Woods, which this year coincided with the Kirklees-wide Woven project, hence the installation of a ‘loom’. The area was subsequently scythed by volunteers as a traditional way to manage a wildflower meadow, developing skills which can hopefully transfer to the management of the new wildflower area planned in Skelmanthorpe park renovations.
Spring/early summer is peak ‘Balsam Bashing’ time in our efforts to control this highly invasive species, especially on the river. Progress was made along the Dearne and volunteers also ventured up its tributaries, reporting the presence of some Japanese Knotweed also. We gained commitment from the Environment Agency to control this equally invasive species chemically, at least along the main river’s course. Pollution monitoring of the Dearne continues with the establishment of regular riverfly sampling by another team of enthusiastic volunteers, without which this important work could not be done……thanks to them!

These same 10 Village Conservation Group volunteers also monitor local ponds for the presence of Great Crested Newts, install benches (e.g. at Clayton West Pack Horse Bridge), repair stiles (e.g. in Upper Denby, in partnership with Walkers are Welcome, ahead of the Denby Dash) and successfully demonstrated their various projects at Emley Show.
Walkers are Welcome also were involved in repair of a bench in High Flatts/Birdsedge, affording great views across the parish and beyond!

School work last term culminated in Skelmanthorpe Academy achieving their Eco-School Bronze Award…congratulations to them!… and the project also assisted Denby CofE First School, Cumberworth and Emley with their environmental work, both in the school grounds and beyond.