Countryside report – Summer 2021
Volunteers continued their enthusiasm to catch up on lost time as the lockdown eased and the Ten Village Conservation Group had a particularly successful day starting the improved access work at Park Gate, Skelmanthorpe. This will be continued as a ‘Friends Of’ the site forms… Dave at the phone/e-mail below for further details on involvement in this and all other projects mentioned in this item.
10 Villages also resumed monitoring of the newt project alongside a training programme to ensure its sustainability. Similarly, Riverfly sampling continued with Friends of the Dearne as the newly constituted group launched the Rewilding the Dearne project with a river clean up:

The river was the focus for a geography walk by Denby (CE) First School, who also explored the wildlife at Denby Delf along with work closer to home in the school grounds. This will help the school achieve the Eco-School award, work that is being supported by the Climate Emergency Working Group in all schools in the parish. Birdsedge and Cumberworth schools have also been particularly active on environmental work this term, as have St Aidan’s who achieved the internationally recognised top Green Flag award!

Talking of awards, a pupil from Emley First won the poster competition, aimed to raise awareness of International Plastic Bag-Free Day on July 3rd…… may have seen the winning entry posted in local shops recently.
Work with young people on environmental projects is especially important, as it is their future well-being we are striving to ensure, so it was great to build a bug hotel with Clayton West Cubs in Cliffe Woods. The Cliffe Woods Conservation Group supported this work and continue to maintain their site, as do the Friends of Churchfield, Churchfield Allotment Community Project, Clayton West Millennium Green and East Hill Woods. On an artistic note, the Countryside Project also supported installations as part of the Woven textile festival at East Hill and by the U3A in Skelmanthorpe at the council offices.
Other public green spaces recently supported by the project were planting at the Clayton West war memorial and tidying up of the community garden with Cumberworth Community Association.
Dave also led Walkers Are Welcome on the Lower Cumberworth Circular, as part of their walking festival. He can be contacted at:
David Wilde
Countryside Officer
07939 446581